Extreme Nesting

Today, I’m going to jump back into present time instead of explaining what has happened over the last couple of years while I’ve been MIA here on the blog. We’ll get back to that stuff.

But for today, I’m in the here and now. For those of you who have kids, did you get a massive urge to make everything perfect and get EVERYTHING done before you brought your mini human home? I think most people would call this nesting, but this seems a little excessive to me. I know I’m naturally a little (maybe a lot) crazy with my projects and lists. But this seems excessive even for me!

We have baby #7 due this spring. And my to-do list is a couple miles long. I’ve got the typical stuff like putting up the crib and washing the baby clothes. But I’ve also got the massive urge to deep clean EVERYTHING. The closets, the vehicles, the garage, the cupboards. You name it, it’s probably on my list. And that is just for the house. The animals are a whole other list! Why am I like this?! I even deep cleaned and organized all three of our deep freezers!

Normal people nest during pregnancy. That’s just how it goes. But does everyone think that it is absolutely necessary to go through every single tote in storage in the garage in order to organize the contents and label each and every tote? 

Maybe it is normal, and I’m just now realizing it. So, here’s just a tiny snapshot of my “Before Baby” list:

-Sort and organize totes in garage (this one has other motives too. All the newborn clothes are in there somewhere)

-Work through the oldest food in freezers

-Make freezer meals

-Restock freezers with freezer meals and essentials (like frozen pizza)

-Finish making and canning beef and chicken broth (all these bones are in the freezers)

-Swap out clothes for the kid who is about to outgrow his current ones

-Organize the canning pantry

This isn’t even the tip of the iceberg for the list. Should I do a post just of the “Before Baby” list? Maybe I can make a follow up post after baby gets here to see how much I actually got done. I think that’s a good plan! It will be kind of fun to track the progress. I’ll start working on that. In the meantime, leave me a comment with which things you absolutely had to have done before you brought home your new bundle. What was the weirdest thing on your list? I can’t wait to hear some of these!

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